Degree : Magister Sains (Master of Science)
Campus Location : Salemba Campus
Lecture Schedule : Morning/Daytime
Length of Study : 4 semesters (42 credits)
Language : Indonesian
Accreditation : B
European Studies University of Indonesia provides an European studies for master program. The vision is to realizing the best European studies in Indonesia. The mission of this study is to build mutual understanding and cooperation between European countries and Indonesia and can compete with similar programs abroad in the era of globalization. Furthermore, the aim of this study is to produce experts in various fields of European studies, having extensive knowledge and can follow the developments taking place in Europe, and professionally capable of analyzing the political situation, economy, law and culture in Europe in the era of globalization is full dynamics.
This program provides four areas of specificity: European economic, European International Relations, European law, and Culture of Europe. Participants can choose one field of specificity, with a note that specificity is offered only opened when the number of participants has met the minimum quota of 4 persons. Participants can choose one of the fields of special interest. European Masters Program in Area Studies can be completed over 4 semesters (42 credits).
Career Outlook
Graduates of the program have the opportunities to pursue higher careers in diplomatic missions, international Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO), international agencies, mass media and education field.