Marching Band
UI Marching Band (MBUI) has performed in various national and international events. MBUI has also won several awards. The international events that MBUI has taken part are as follows:
- World Music Contest in Kerkrade (1997)
- Culture Mission in Netherlands and France (1997)
Regular practices take place on Sundays from 10AM to 5PM at UI Gymnasium.
Homepage:Madah Bahana
Symphony Orchestra
UI Mahawaditra Symphony Orchestra, Mahawaditra meaning “Great Voice”, was established on June 11, 1983. The members of the orchestra are students who are able to play a musical instrument and those who have basic knowledge to play it.
Regular practices take place on Saturday, at 2 pm, at Salemba Student Hall.
Website: Mahawaditra
Students Choir
UI student choir (Paragita) was founded on January 13, 1983. For 18 years, Paragita has achieved prestigious national and international awards. Paragita has proven to be one of the best choirs in Indonesia because of its talented members who are able to sing classical, modern, traditional and popular music. Currently, Paragita is under management of Aning Katamsi A.
Regular practices take place every Sunday, 11 am at Salemba Student Hall.
Students Dance League
Krida Budaya UI Student Dance League was established based on the Rector’s Decree, February 17, 1983. This is a student organization focusing on regional, contemporary and modern dances. Routine practices are conducted every Sunday, 11 am at Salemba Student Hall.
Website: Krida Budaya
Student Theatre
UI Theatre (Teater UI) originally was an idea of three students of UI Student Senate 1994/1995. They were Bagus H (chief of the organization), Aryo (Arts Coordinator) and B.C. Rikrik Rizkiana ( a member of Environment and Society Development Commission), aiming at channeling theatrical interests of the students who have not joined the theatres in several faculties. The achievements are: the first winners of DKI Jakarta Student Theatre Festival in 1995 and of National Student Arts Week in 1995.
Routine practices are on Sundays, at 11:00 at Salemba Student Hall.
Student Magazine
UI student magazine “Suara Mahasiswa”, founded on 27 June 1992, is a university activity unit focusing on publication and managed by the students. The magazine contains both UI-related news and also news from other university sources. Voice of UI Students located in their secretariate at Pusgiwa UI, 2nd floor, UI Depok.
Student Aassociation for Nature Lovers
MAPALA UI was officially established on 12 December 1964 and was initially known as MAPALA Prajnaparamita. It was a student association for nature lovers of the Faculty of Letters, Universitas Indonesia and has 600 members. For more information, please visit MAPALA UI Secretariat at Pusgiwa UI, 1st floor, UI Campus Depok.
Student Study Club
Eka Prasetya UI Student Study Club (KSM UI-EP), founded on 30 June 1983, is a university student activity unit that helps that helps students to improve their academic discussion skills. Some KSM UI-EP activities are: writing and research courses for its members, delegating members to attend seminars conducted by UI or other institutions, conducting annual Public Relation training, publishing the “Dialektika “ bulletin as a means for members to write articles and for communication among members, and conducting annual social research in cooperation with DKI Local Government.
English Debate Association
Founded on 5 May 1998, it is one of the most recent student activities at Universitas Indonesia. Routine activities are conducted on Wednesdays from 3:30 pm and on Saturdays from 9:30 pm. The location of EDS is in the EDS secretariat at Pusgiwa UI, 1st floor, UI Campus Depok.
Moslem Students Association
“Salam” UI was founded because Moslem students of UI needed an organization to independently implement Islam-oriented student activities to strengthen Islamic solidarity at the university level. A model program conducted by this organization is salamprogram conducted by this organization is Salam in Action 1999/2000. For further information, please visit Salam UI secretariat at Pusgiwa UI, 1st floor, UI Campus Depok or open
Tae Kwon Do Association
UI Tae kwon Do actively participates in various university championships and has many achievements, for example a bronze medal in the women light feather class at the 1996 Java-Bali championship, the best team and favourite athlete at JABOTABEK championship conducted by IKIP Jakarta (recently named Jakarta State-owned University).
Tae Kwon Do secretariat:
1st Floor, Pusgiwa UI, Depok
Tel: (62-21)7270201, Fax: (62-21) 7270017 (via Assistant to the Rector for Student Affairs)
UI Badminton Association
UI Badminton Association was established on 25 January 1990 with the Rector’s Decree No. 031/SK/R/UI/1990 because the UI Badminton Association achieved success at TIG XIX. The association aims at providing facilities and developing badminton potentials of the students. A three-time week routine activity is conducted on Mondays and Wednesdays at 14:00, and on Saturdays at 08:00 at UI Depok Gymnasium.
UI Hockey Association
PHUI was established in 1987 and was implemented to accommodate students’ interest in this sport. Routine practices are conducted every Monday and Wednesday starting from 16.00 at Depok Gymnasium.
UI Volley Ball Association
The establishment of UI Volley Ball Association is meant to provide facilities and a means to develop the students’ interests and potential in playing volley ball. This is open for all UI students. Routine activities are conducted every Thursday and Sunday starting from 16:00 at UI Depok Gymnasium.
Tennis Association
The routine practices of this student activity unit take place on Saturdays, starting from 17:00. The unit sometimes conducts practices not only between UI students but also with other university students.
Table Tennis (Ping Pong) Association
This unit was established on 7 December 1999, a month after TIG XIX had taken place. Routine practices are conducted on Fridays, starting from 16:00 at UI Depok Pusgiwa (Student Activity Center) Building.
Student Football and Futsal Association
Originally PSM-UI was established to provide a club for students of Universitas Indonesia who enjoy playing foot ball and to eventually form a team in view of the student foot ball league championship in the early 1980s. Now it is called PSUI and it is open for both Football and Futsal.
Basketball Association
This unit is aimed at providing the facilities and as a means for those students who have the interests of playing basket ball.
Traditional Martial Arts Association
The Student Activity Unit of Betako Merpati Putih Traditional Martial Arts joined the championship of the Central Jakarta Merpati Putih Training Group III took place at the Balairung of the University of Indonesia. In the championship, the UI Training Group consisting of 12 athletes became the general champion winning 4 gold medals, 4 silver medals, and 2 bronze medals both from Wiralaga (free style championships according to IPSI -Association of Traditional Martial Arts) grouped according to the heavy weight and certain level) and the stamina and power branch. The championship covered those of breaking hard materials, such as concrete, dragon, screwdrivers, iron bar, etc. Maria Fatma, one of the UI training group members, succeeded in becoming the best of the Central Jakarta athlete.
Routine activities take place every Tuesday and Saturday, from 4pm to 6pm in the south wing of the Balairung of UI Depok campus.
Traditional Martial Arts Association
Besides regular practices, other activities conducted include gladian, programs expressing gratitude for God’s blessing, attending local, national and international championships taken to enhance togetherness and personal quality of each member.
Routine practices are conducted on Mondays and Thursday, starting at 16:00 and on Saturdays at 08:00 at Balairung UI Depok.
Traditional Martial Art Association
Paguyuban Bangau Putih is an association of those with interest in traditional martial arts on the basis of spirituality and loyalty among group members. This unit has been active in both internal and external events and has, in addition, represented UI and the branch of the organization in those events.
This form of martial art has beautiful and flexible physical movements and styles, following the elements of nature. Members have very strong powers which can cure various diseases, such as asthma and hemorrhoids and organs such as the eye, the kidney, the heart, etc. PGB Bangau Putih trains its members not only physically but also mentally.
Routine practice takes place on Thursday and Sunday at the Faculty of Law, from 4pm to 6pm.
Institute Karate Do Indonesia
INKAI-UI, one of the self-defense institutes, was established on 25 April 1972. However, it was officially opened and legalized on 24 April 1982 in Jakarta. It became one of the UI student activity units after the issue of the Rector’s Decree No. 070/SK/R/UI 1987.
The members of the institute are from both UI and non-UI organizations. The routine practices are conducted at UI Student Activity Center Building and UI Balairung building in Depok.
The Association of Indonesian Kempo
The routine activities of this student unit are conducted 3 times a week, on Tuesdays, Fridays and Saturdays by the lake near Balairung from 4pm to 6pm. Besides, oncea month, this unit joins Gasami, which is a joint training with other Do-Jos.
This activity takes place at the Kempo training center in Pondok Gede. Gasami also conducts evaluation to measure the progress.
Registration is conducted every time during practice and is accepted at the beginning of each semester.
Sin Lam Ba Martial Art Association
UI Sin Lam Ba Traditional Martial Art has designed a complete curriculum as an introduction of the institution for those who intend to improve their skills, among others are reading the Qur’an, self-defense, inner power, weapon-resistance, fighting, strength building, medical treatments and physical movements.
Routine practices take place every Sunday at Balairung of Universitas Indonesia, from 8 am to 1 pm.
Student Aassociation for Nature Lovers
As well as their participation in regular training programmes, a member is actively involved in other activities, among others taking care of the entry tests of the state-owned universities, Diploma-3 programmes, polytechnics, the graduation days and others. To develop the staff members of the corps, Kowala UI conducts some activities in cooperation with relevant institutions, for example, shootings and bomb training (handling techniques) in order to improve awareness of national defense and security.To underpin one of the security factors for the society, Kowala UI members get the first-aid and security and search training. Therefore, the members are expected to help the society to deal with natural disasters or accidents. Equally, the members get outbound training to improve their leadership and managerial skills. Routine activities are run on Sundays or UI holidays.