Directorate for Internationalization of Education


Open Book


UI Scholarship for Full Degree International Students

Get a funded opportunity to study in a culturally rich nation, one of the Asia’s emerging economies, Indonesia. Universitas Indonesia offers scholarship for foreign students to take master’s degree in a wide array of discipline.


Please read the eligibility before you send the documents
  • All admission process is done through
  • Applicants must maintain minimum GPA of 3.0 while studying at Ul.
  • Applicant is not registered as a student at other university in Indonesia with or without scholarship from Indonesian government/University/Institution.
  • Recipients of NEW UI GREAT scholarship are not allowed to be registered at other universities/institutions in Indonesia before completing the study at Universitas Indonesia.

Scholarship Benefits

  • Tuition Fee Waiver(for maximum 4 semesters)
  • Covering the cost of student visa application, VITAS and stay permit, only once.(at cost)
  • Supporting cost of return ticket allowance for economy class, with maximum amount of IDR 10.000.000(only once, IDR 5.000.000 for each departure)
  • Settlement Cost Allowance, IDR 1.500.000(only once)
  • Health Insurance Allowance up to IDR 400.000/month
  • Living Cost Allowance, IDR 3.500.000/month (including accommodation cost)

*   Scholarship benefits will be given when student has arrived at Indonesia
** The scholarship amount is tax-inclusive


Please be advised that the NEW UI GREAT is intended solely to support the recipient and does not include any provisions for dependents or family members in Indonesia. The scholarship does not offer financial or pastoral support for dependents and will not endorse visa applications or provide travel arrangements for them. Any expenses beyond those explicitly covered by the scholarship will be considered personal expenses and must be borne by the student.

Admission Guidelines:

Language Proficiency

  • It is mandatory for NEW UI GREAT Scholarship applicants to meet the English and Bahasa Indonesia proficiency requirement of the chosen major/study program/faculty.
  • If the applicants cannot meet the Indonesian Language proficiency requirements, applicant must attend Indonesian language preparation class for 1 (one) year at UI (covered by the scholarship).
  • If the applicants fail to pass BIPA 2 after one-year preparation class, they will be required for full repayment of the scholarships received.
  • Applicants will continue to study after passing minimum BIPA level 2 and complete their master’s degree at UI within the designated study for period of 4 (four) semesters.

Applicants to Submit

It is mandatory for NEW UI GREAT Scholarship applicants to submit:
  • NEW UI GREAT Letter of Statement
  • Recommendation Letter from Indonesian Embassy (free format)

Registration Fee

NEW UI GREAT applicants must pay for admission registration fee of USD 100 and upload the receipt of payment through admission website. Merge NEW UI GREAT letter of statement and Recommendation letter from Indonesia Embassy (free format) into 1 pdf document (max. 3MB).

Timeline New UI GREAT 2025

Student Experience

Independence Day

Cultural Trip

Sports Day

International Students Week

Contact Regarding International Scholarship, Immigration and Student Services

Directorate for Internationalization of Education
Central Administration Building, 1st Floor
UI Campus, Depok 16424
West Java Indonesia

Contact Regarding Admission Process

Admission Office