Directorate for Internationalization of Education

Courtesy Visit Queen’s University Belfast to Universitas Indonesia

On Tuesday, 28 June 2022, delegates from Deakin University visited Universitas Indonesia, taking place at Meeting Room B 2nd Floor, Administration Center Campus UI Depok. The delegations were, Prof Michael Alcorn, Dean of Internationalization and Chair of SEA Group, Ms. Tzermiin Kong, Regional Manager South East Asia, Yi Feng, Global Partnership Manager, and Yurika Sunardi, Country Manager.

The Queen’s University delegates were welcomed by Secretary to the University, dr. Agustin Kusumayati, M. Sc., Ph. D. accompanied by Prof. Dr. Arry Yanuar, M.Si., Apt., Dean of Pharmacy, drg. Baiduri Widanarko, M.KKK, Ph.D., Head of International Office, Eva Latifah S.S., Ph.D., Manager of Cooperation, Alumni Relations, and Public Relations, Faculty of Nursing, drg. Masita Mandasari, Ph.D. Sp.PM, Head of Sub-Directorate of Research Collaboration Development, Suyanti Adi Pawiro, S.Pd., Coordinator For Partnership, International Office, Alfrida Esther Madame Hutapea, S.Sos, Coordinator for Mobility, International Office, and Ranie Ismidiana Sary, Partnership Staff, International Office.

The agenda of the meeting was to discuss potential collaboration between Queen’s University Belfast with Universitas Indonesia. This collaboration covers the fields of nursing, pharmacy, and also Faculty of Nursing UI encourages collaborative projects such as mental health research and others. Delegates from Queen’s University Belfast said that having collaborations in research and development with Universitas Indonesia is interesting especially to have a very big collaboration in nursing and related fields this is also because the health UI cluster is one of the oldest, and the Faculty of Nursing is the oldest in Indonesia. Universitas Indonesia builds a health cluster program that is quite equal in terms of profession. Doctors, nurses, and pharmacists have an equally important role for patients, and this model is implemented at RSUI.

Not only that, Queen’s University Belfast is also interested in collaborating with the Faculty of Humanities because they have a very large variety of studies. One of the most possible collaborations between Queen’s University Belfast and Universitas Indonesia is student exchange programs.

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