Directorate for Internationalization of Education

Dutch Minister of Education and Culture Gives Public Lecture at UI, Discusses the Importance of Knowledge as a Solution to Global Problems

Universitas Indonesia (UI) held a public lecture with the Dutch Minister of Education, Culture and Science, Robbert Dijkgraaf, on Friday (22/7). The lecture entitled “Making Lives Better: Giving Opportunities to Knowledge” was held at Balai Sidang Universitas Indonesia and directly through the UI’s official Youtube account. This lecture reviews self-development strategies to grow knowledge in overcoming global problems that exist in society.

Present at the event, the Rector of UI, Prof. Ari Kuncoro, S.E., M.A., Ph.D.; Secretary of the University of UI, dr. Agustin Kusumayati, M.Sc., Ph.D.; UI Vice Chancellor for Academic and Student Affairs, Prof. Dr. rer. grout. Abdul Haris; deans, delegates from the Netherlands, as well as dozens of students.
In his speech, Prof. Ari added that Indonesia’s involvement in the implementation of the G20 Presidency brings out the full potential of global collaboration and presents Indonesia with the reality related to global problems faced by humans. As a higher education institution, UI believes that collaboration in the fields of knowledge, research, science, and culture with partners from all over the world can be a medium for overcoming these challenges.

The collaboration between UI and the Netherlands is one form of this collaboration. UI has collaborated with 26 Dutch institutions covering many schemes, including double degree programs, student and staff exchanges, to joint research. “This collaboration is expected to foster a spirit of mutual understanding and open up new opportunities. Students and researchers involved are also expected to be able to understand the problems that are around them from a different perspective. It is important to provide research that has an impact on society. Therefore, building connections is the key to strengthening the network in collaboration,” said Prof. Ari.

On that occasion, Robbert Dijkgraaf took advantage of their knowledge to create something better. There are four main keys mentioned by Dijkgraaf to achieve this goal, namely a strong relationship between science and society, a collaboration of basic research and fundamental research, utility and application of knowledge, and international cooperation.

According to Dijkgraaf, scientific research must be applicable in applications to create a strong relationship between science and society. Researchers must consider the needs of the community when determining research topics. This is for researchers so that the research carried out is useful and on target so that the distance between them can be eliminated. In addition, a collaboration between government, industry, and non-governmental organizations is also needed to develop research results so that the benefits can be widely disseminated.

A study should also consider related studies conducted previously. This inter-research elaboration allows for a major transformation of a finding. Researchers can sort out which research results are useful and which are not so further research should be based on research findings that are beneficial to the wider community. Researchers do not only focus on academic research, but also on research that is useful to answer various global problems.

The last point highlighted by Dijkgraaf is the need for international cooperation. Global problems require researchers to create universally applicable solutions. This can be achieved through collaboration between researchers around the world. Student exchanges and research collaborations allow for the global experience to be gained by academics so that they can exchange experiences based on different national backgrounds.

“There are two things that a person has to test a strong human being, namely imagination, and curiosity. With imagination, one can imagine things that might happen in the future through experiences that happened in the past. Meanwhile, with curiosity, someone will be interested in knowing more about the things they are involved in until someone becomes an expert in their field,” said Dijkgraaf.

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