Directorate for Internationalization of Education

Exchange Program

Exchange Program


“We have signed agreement with universities overseas on student exchange program allowing students from more than 30 universities in Asia, Europe, and Australia to study at UI. Our exchange students are not charged for academic fees during the study at UI. Yet, you may be obligated to pay tuition fees to your home university. By the end of the program, you will be given a certificate of completion which can be used for credit transfer process to your home university.

This program offers you an opportunity to study at UI for one/two semesters and take a wide range of  undergraduate or graduate program courses. To be able to participate in this program, you should be registered as a student in one of UI partner universities. Please check International Office in your university whether you are able to participate under this scheme.

AUN-ACTS is a consortium – based exchange program among AUN (ASEAN University Network) Member Universities. ACTS has been designed to accommodate differences in the implementation of credit system among the member universities without any requirement to modify the existing institutional or national credit system.

The objective of the Asian International Mobility for Students (AIMS) program is to create a vibrant student mobility program for citizens of all SEAMEO member countries. It emerges from the Malaysia-Indonesia-Thailand (M-I-T) Student Mobility Pilot Project which was initiated in 2009 as collaboration between the governments of the three countries and SEAMEO RIHED.

Universitas Indonesia joins prominent partner universities in the Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility, which allows UI students and academics to do exchange programs. The term and the number of exchange may vary depending on the preconditioned Erasmus+ agreement of each institution with Universitas Indonesia.International Office will assist in nominating the candidates of students and staff for exchange while the partner university will have the final decision of each program. The duration of exchange is one to two weeks for staff exchange and one semester for student exchange.

We will post in current openings link below when Erasmus+ scholarships are available.

Current Openings

Currently there is no student exchange program, we will inform you as soon as possible!