International Network

Universitas Indonesia actively contributes to strengthening and broadening the international network by actively participating in both regional and global education and research associations by involving lecturers’ contribution in many international conferences, academic visitation to our partner universities, and presentations in the international forums and seminars held by global academic organizations.

International Consortia and Association


APRU (Association of Pacific Rim Universities)

APRU was founded in 1997 by presidents of Caltech, UC Berkeley, UCLA and USC. As a network of leading universities linking the Americas, Asia, and Australasia, APRU (the Association of Pacific Rim Universities) brings together thought leaders, researchers, and policy-makers to exchange ideas and collaborate on practical solutions to the challenges of the 21st century. Their strategic priorities focus on:

  • providing a neutral platform for high-level policy dialogue;
  • exploring innovative solutions for a sustainable future; and
  • supporting diversity, inclusion, and minorities.

Member Universities: 61 universities

Activities participated by UI

  • Annual Presidents’ Meeting (APM)
  • Senior International Leaders’ Meeting (SILM)
  • Vice-Presidents for Research Meeting (VPRM)
  • Undergraduate Leaders’ Program (ULP)
  • Multi-Hazard Summer School
  • Global Health Student Competition
  • SDG Education for Global Citizenship Program


AUAP (Association of Universities of Asia and the Pacific)

Association of Universities of Asia and the Pacific (AUAP) was founded in 1995. AUAP acts as a platform for interaction and collaboration among its members and be the voice of universities in Asia and the Pacific. The following are the main objectives of AUAP:

  • to promote a culture of quality and innovation in higher education, research, and services to the community.
  • to preserve and enhance the values and cultural diversity of Asia, the Pacifi,c and other regions of the world towards better understanding and cooperation for socio-economic development and universal peace.
  • to engage with stakeholders of higher education and other organizations to further the objectives of AUAP.
  • to cooperate, where appropriate, with other organizations whose objectives are similar to those of AUAP.
  • to promote universal peace and international understanding through education 

Member Universities: 185 universities

Activities participated by UI

  • AUAP General Conference
  • International Conference on Health Sciences (ICoHS)
  • Global Leadership Program (GLP)
  • AUAP Faculty Development Programme (FDP) On Internationalization of Higher Education


SATU Presidents’ Forum (of Southeast and South Asia and Taiwan Universities)

As the Southeast Asian region has been facing critical challenges in their economic, societal, and political sectors, there has been a need to gather experts and educators to exchange ideas and face shared challenges. The excellence of universities is an important key to enhance a nation’s competitiveness. Therefore, President Chiang Kao of the National Cheng Kung University (NCKU), Taiwan, together with the Presidents of prestigious universities of Southeast Asian countries initiated the “Presidents’ Forum of Southeast Asia and Taiwan Universities” (abbreviated as SATU Presidents’ Forum) in the year 2003.

SATU Presidents’ Forum will be held biennially to achieve the following objectives:

  • to strengthen academic cooperation among Taiwan and Southeast and South Asian countries.
  • to foster internationalization through academic and cultural exchange and collaboration.
  • to promote the quality of education, research and community services.
  • to establish exchange programs for our universities’ students, faculty and administrative staff.
  • to foster partnerships between industry and academia.
  • to facilitate sustainability in economics, society and the environment.

Member Universities: 103 universities

Activities participated by UI

  • SATU Presidents’ Forum General Assembly
  • SATU Research Student Enrichment Program (RSEP)
  • Global Project Based-Learning in Sustainable Building: Innovation and Solution


ACNET-ENGTECH (ASEAN-China Network for Cooperation and Exchanges among Engineering and Technology Universities)

ACNET-EngTech is a collaboration of universities in ASEAN and nine engineering universities in China. Mahidol University is the permanent coordinator in ASEAN, while Tianjin University is the permanent coordinator for China. ACNET-EngTech is a collaborative platform that fosters cooperation and exchanges among universities in ASEAN countries and China. It also serves as a bridge to enhance understanding and partnership between ASEAN member states and China in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM).

Member Universities: 26 universities

Activities participated by UI

  • ACNET-EngTech General Assembly
  • Student Rowing Competition


ASAIHL (Association of Southeast Asian Institutions of Higher Learning) 5

The Association of Southeast Asian Institutions of Higher Learning (ASAIHL) was founded in 1956 as a non-governmental organization at a meeting in Bangkok of the heads of eight state universities in Southeast Asia.

Member Universities: 231 universities

Activities participated by UI

  • ASAIHL Conferences


Asian Universities Alliance (AUA)

The AUA is an organization established in 2017 with the shared mission of addressing regional and global challenges, particularly in higher education and the economy, as well as the development of science and technology. AUA aims to strengthen collaboration among its member institutions and collectively promote the identity and values of the alliance in pursuit of its mission.

Members: 15 Universities in Asia

Activities participated by UI

  • AUA Executives Meeting
  • AUA Summit
  • AUA Youth Forum
  • AUA Online Education Fair
  • AUA Staff Exchange Program
  • AUA Scholars Award
  • Student Mobility Program


SEAMEO (The Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization)

The Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization (SEAMEO) was established in November 1965 as a chartered international organization aimed at promoting cooperation in education, science, and culture within the Southeast Asian region. Currently, SEAMEO consists of 11 Member Countries, 6 Associate Members, and 8 Affiliate Members.

Activities participated by UI

  • AIMS Student Exchange Program
  • AIMS Review Meeting


ASEAN University Network

The ASEAN University Network was formed in 1995 to address the need for the region to quickly develop a regional identity and solidarity while promoting the fostering of ASEAN talents by creating a platform to allow the region’s leading higher education institutions to collaborate. 

AUN is a network widely recognized as a vital mechanism for the build-up of an active and renowned ASEAN community in higher education. With the strengths and expertise of the members, the AUN can play a major role in broadening the integration of the ten ASEAN countries, into one cohesive ASEAN Community and narrowing the development gap among them, which are the ultimate goals of ASEAN.

Thematic Network Affiliations by Universitas Indonesa:


Member Universities: 

– Core member: 30 universities

– Associate member: 217 universities

Activities participated by UI

  • AUN-ACTS Student Exchange Program
  • AUN Youth Cultural Forum
  • AUN and ASEAN+3 Educational Forum and Young Speakers’ Contest
  • ASEAN Student Leaders Forum
  • AUN ASEAN Experiential Learning Programme
  • AUN Board of Trustees Meeting
  • AUN Rectors’ Meeting
  • ASEAN+3 Heads of International Relations Meeting


ASEAN-European Academic University Network

ASEA-UNINET is a network of universities, consisting of European and South-East Asian universities with the goal of promoting the continuous internationalization of education and research. ASEA-UNINET was founded in 1994 by universities from Austria, Indonesia, Thailand and Vietnam as Austrian-South-East Asian University Network. 

Member Universities: 93 universities


There are no limits to the areas of academic cooperation. ASEA-UNINET research projects are interdisciplinary, ranging from Natural sciences, Technologies, Economics, Social Sciences and Human Sciences to Medicine and Pharmacy.

Activities participated by UI

  • ASEA-UNINET Plenary Meeting


IREG Observatory on Academic Ranking and Excellence

IREG Observatory on Academic Ranking and Excellence (IREG Observatory) is an international institutional non-profit association of ranking organizations, universities and other bodies interested in university rankings and academic excellence. Its purpose is strengthening of public awareness and understanding of range of issues related to university rankings and academic excellence. The experience acquired by a group of rankers and ranking analysts, who met first in 2002, led to creation of an International Ranking Expert Group (IREG). In 2009, this informal group was transformed into IREG Observatory as a non-profit organization. It is registered in Brussels, Belgium, and its Secretariat is located in Warsaw, Poland.

Member universities: 66 universities and institutions

Activities participated by UI

  • UI GreenMetric World University Rankings is a part of IREG Observatory