We provide information only from the institution’s official website, if you seek additional details from other sources on the internet, please make sure that the website is safe and reliable.
The estimated living costs provided are for general informational purposes only and may vary based on individual lifestyle choices, personal spending habits, accommodation type, and unforeseen expenses. These estimates do not guarantee actual costs and should be used as a guideline for budgeting purposes only. Prices for housing, food, transportation, and other necessities may fluctuate due to inflation, location, and market conditions.
We encourage students to do their research, consider any personal expenses, and check with their university’s financial aid office or local resources for a more accurate estimate. The university or institution is not responsible for any differences between these estimates and actual living costs.
This list is subject to change.
Country/Territory | Institution | Living Cost Information |
United States | Dominican University | (Click here) |
Armenia | Yerevan State University | (Click here) |
Australia | Monash University | (Click here) |
Australia | University of Queensland | (Click here) |
Australia | University of Sydney | (Click here) |
Australia | Deakin University | (Click here) |
Australia | University of Technology Sydney | (Click here) |
Australia | Curtin University | (Click here) |
Australia | Swinburne University of Technology | (Click here) |
Australia | Australian National University | (Click here) |
Australia | Charles Darwin University | (Click here) |
Australia | Macquaire University | (Click here) |
Australia | Canberra University | (Click here) |
Netherlands | Vrije University | (Click here) |
Netherlands | Radboud University Nijmegen | (Click here) |
Netherlands | Tilburg University | (Click here) |
Netherlands | Leiden University | (Click here) |
Netherlands | Leiden University of Medical Center (LUMC) | (Click here) |
Netherlands | University of Twente | (Click here) |
Netherlands | Maastricht University | (Click here) |
Netherlands | Groningen University | (Click here) |
Belarus | Minsk State Linguistic University | (Click here) |
Bosnia & Herzegovina | University of Tuzla | (Click here) |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | University of East Sarajevo | (Click here) |
Czech Republic | Tomas Bata University | (Click here) |
Czech Republic | University of Hradec Kralove | (Click here) |
Czech Republic | VSB – Technical University of Ostrava | (Click here) |
Czech Republic | University of Ostrava | (Click here) |
People's Republic of China | Yunnan University | (Click here) |
People's Republic of China | Xian Jiao Tong Liverpool University | (Click here) |
People's Republic of China | China University of Geosciences | (Click here) |
People's Republic of China | Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) Shenzhen | (Click here) |
People's Republic of China | Xiamen University | (Click here) |
Philippines | University of Cebu | (Click here) |
Finland | Aalto University | (Click here) |
Georgia | Tbilisi State University | (Click here) |
India | Indian Institute of Technology Bombay | (Click here) |
United Kingdom | University of Newcastle Upon Tyne | (Click here) |
United Kingdom | University of Birmingham | (Click here) |
Italy | Ca Foscari University of Venice | (Click here) |
Italy | University of Naples L Orientale (Universita Degli Studi Di Napoli) | (Click here) |
Italy | University of Bologna | (Click here) |
Japan | University of Tokyo | (Click here) |
Japan | Kyoto University | (Click here) |
Japan | Osaka University | (Click here) |
Japan | Tohoku University | (Click here) |
Japan | Tokyo Institute of Technology | (Click here) |
Japan | Nagoya University | (Click here) |
Japan | Tokyo University of Foreign Studies | (Click here) |
Japan | University of Tsukuba | (Click here) |
Japan | Waseda University | (Click here) |
Japan | Keio University | (Click here) |
Japan | Kobe University | (Click here) |
Japan | Chiba University | (Click here) |
Japan | University of Fukui | (Click here) |
Japan | Ritsumeikan University | (Click here) |
Japan | Nara Institute of Science and Technology | (Click here) |
Japan | Meiji University | (Click here) |
Japan | Kanazawa University | (Click here) |
Japan | Rikkyo University | (Click here) |
Japan | Chuo University | (Click here) |
Japan | Shizuoka University | (Click here) |
Japan | Kagoshima University | (Click here) |
Japan | Yamanashi Prefectural University | (Click here) |
Japan | Hitotsubashi University | (Click here) |
Japan | Nagaoka University of Technology | (Click here) |
Japan | Yamaguchi University | (Click here) |
Japan | Okayama University | (Click here) |
Japan | Sophia University | (Click here) |
Japan | Asia University | (Click here) |
Japan | Kyushu University | (Click here) |
Japan | Niigata University | (Click here) |
Japan | Saitama University | (Click here) |
Japan | Ochanomizu University | (Click here) |
Japan | Ryukoku University | (Click here) |
Japan | Nagasaki University | (Click here) |
Japan | Akita International University | (Click here) |
Japan | Kumamoto University | (Click here) |
Japan | Fujita Health University | (Click here) |
Japan | Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology | (Click here) |
Germany | Technische Universitat Darmstadt | (Click here) |
Germany | Technische Universitat Dresden | (Click here) |
Germany | Technical University of Munich (TUM) | (Click here) |
Germany | Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg | (Click here) |
Germany | The Osnabruck University | (Click here) |
Canada | Queen’s University | (Click here) |
Kazakhstan | NP JSC Al-Farabi Kazakh National University | (Click here) |
South Korea | Seoul National University (SNU) | (Click here) |
South Korea | Hanyang University | (Click here) |
South Korea | Yonsei University | (Click here) |
South Korea | Kangwon National University | (Click here) |
South Korea | Ajou University | (Click here) |
South Korea | Pukyong National University | (Click here) |
South Korea | Dongguk University | (Click here) |
South Korea | Hankuk University of Foreign Studies (HUFS) | (Click here) |
South Korea | Kookmin University | (Click here) |
South Korea | Seoul National University of Science and Technology (Seoul Tech) | (Click here) |
South Korea | Jeonbuk National University (JBNU) | (Click here) |
South Korea | Kyung Hee University | (Click here) |
South Korea | Kyungpook National University | (Click here) |
South Korea | Chonnam National University | (Click here) |
South Korea | Busan University of Foreign Studies (BUFS) | (Click here) |
South Korea | Dong-Eui University | (Click here) |
South Korea | Daegu University | (Click here) |
South Korea | Keimyung University | (Click here) |
South Korea | University of Ulsan | (Click here) |
South Korea | Dong-A University | (Click here) |
South Korea | Soongsil University | (Click here) |
South Korea | Korea University | (Click here) |
South Korea | Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH) | (Click here) |
South Korea | Chung-Ang University | (Click here) |
South Korea | University of Seoul | (Click here) |
South Korea | Sejong University | (Click here) |
South Korea | Duksung Women’s University | (Click here) |
South Korea | Kumoh National Institute of Technology | (Click here) |
South Korea | Inje University | (Click here) |
South Korea | Pusan National University | (Click here) |
Lithuania | Mykolas Romeris University | (Click here) |
Malaysia | University of Malaya | (Click here) |
Malaysia | Taylor’s University | (Click here) |
Malaysia | Universiti Malaysia Pahang Al-Sultan Abdullah | (Click here) |
Malaysia | Mahsa University | (Click here) |
Mexico | Universidad de Monterrey | (Click here) |
Mexico | Universidad Popular Autonoma – UPAEP | (Click here) |
Mexico | Universidad ITES De Monterey | (Click here) |
Norway | Oslo and Akershus University of Applied Science/Oslo Met | (Click here) |
France | Universite de Toulouse (INSA) | (Click here) |
France | University of Angers | (Click here) |
France | Universite De La Rochelle | (Click here) |
France | University of Burgundy | (Click here) |
France | Universite Grenoble Alpes | (Click here) |
France | Universite de Lorraine | (Click here) |
France | EDHEC Business School | (Click here) |
France | Universite de Rennes 1 | (Click here) |
France | Science Po | (Click here) |
Portugal | Universidade do Minho | (Click here) |
Romania | The Transylvania University of Brasov | (Click here) |
Russia | Institute of Asia & Africa Studies (IAAS), Lomonosov Moscow State University | (Click here) |
Russia | Far Eastern Federal University | (Click here) |
Russia | Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University | (Click here) |
Spain | Public University of Navarre | (Click here) |
Sweden | Linnaeus University | (Click here) |
Sweden | Sahlgrenska University | (Click here) |
Taiwan | National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (NTUST/Taiwan Tech) | (Click here) |
Taiwan | National Sun Yat Sen University | (Click here) |
Taiwan | National Chengchi University | (Click here) |
Taiwan | National Yunlin University of Science and Technology (YUNTECH) | (Click here) |
Taiwan | National Taiwan Normal University | (Click here) |
Taiwan | National Tsinghua University | (Click here) |
Taiwan | National Dong Hwa University | (Click here) |
Taiwan | National Taipei University | (Click here) |
Taiwan | National Chung Hsing University | (Click here) |
Taiwan | National Changhua University of Education | (Click here) |
Taiwan | National Changhua University of Education | (Click here) |
Taiwan | National Quemoy University | (Click here) |
Taiwan | National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University | (Click here) |
Thailand | Sirindhorn International Institute of Technology Thammasat University (SIIT) | (Click here) |
Thailand | Mae Fah Luang University | (Click here) |
Republic of Turkey | Bolu Abant Izzet Baysal University | (Click here) |
Republic of Turkey | Altinbas University | (Click here) |
Republic of Turkey | Cukurova University | (Click here) |
Denmark | University of Southern Denmark | (Click here) |