Directorate for Internationalization of Education

Visiting Researcher

Visiting Researcher


UI welcomes applications from students, senior academics, professors, and researchers who wish to spend periods of monthly up to yearly in the faculty to exchange expertise, carry-out research, etc with faculty members of a department as their scientific counterpart.


Applicant must:
  • Hold a Bachelor, Master, or PhD degree (or equivalent) in relevant field to the research topic (for thesis, dissertation, or research project).
  • Hold a Master or PhD degree (or equivalent) in relevant field for teaching purpose. (visiting lecturer)
  • Satisfy Indonesian government requirements for international researcher’s entry to Indonesia. (apply for research permit to Ministry of Research and Technology for scholars who will do their research with the period at least 3 months or more)
  • are the faculty member of a university currently involved in an organization/association in which UI is a member, or
  • join this visiting scholar program under the agreed visiting scholar scheme, or
  • are the faculty member of a university having agreement/MoU with UI.
  • Secure your own funding during your research period at UI

Documents Required

The visiting scholar is normally attached to a member or group of staff who share the research interests of the Scholar. The scheme is designed for those who wish to focus on a specific research area, but without registering for a formal academic qualification and are not employed by the University during their stay.
  • Applicaton Form
  • CV (Curriculum Vitae)
  • Summary of proposed research
  • Letter of recommendation from home institution
  • Copy of passport
  • Application letter (from the applicants)
  • Relevant correspondence with related UI faculty or professors (if any)
  • 2 current color photographs size 4×6

The following documents must be submitted together in English to UI International Office


Sending the Registration Supporting Documents by Mail/Courier Service

Send all documents required to the International Office. Any requirement and correspondence related to the origin Country of the candidate scholar is suggested to be appended clearly before the arrival of the scholar to Indonesia.

Post the documents by mail/email:

International Office

PAUI (Rektorat) Building 1st Floor (Central Administration Building)
Universitas Indonesia, Depok 16424

Ph/fax : 021-78880139

Applying for Foreign Research Permit

Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education

BPPT 2nd Building, 20th Floor
Jl. MH. Thamrin 8 Jakarta

Phone (+62) 21 3169777, 3169797, 3169787
Fax. (+62) 21 3189810

Confirmation on the Eligibility of Application

Applications along with their supporting documents will be reviewed from International Office to the Faculty. Approved candidate will receive the acceptance letter and recommendation letter to apply for Research permit from International Office. The application process may take around 10 working days.

Secretariat of Foreign Research Permit will review all documents and do the proposal selection based on documents (CV, research proposal, copy of passport, format of approval).  Any correspondence will be contacted by email circulation.

Evaluation of Foreign Research Permit by coordinating team. The evaluation period will be held once a month on 15th every month.

After your foreign research permit has been approved, then the secretariat will issue for visa acquirement (single/multi entry visa). Visa approval from immigration office will be sent to the Indonesian Embassy (of the originated applicant) where the scholar can obtain the limited visa.

Then, the scholar can process their flight for their departure to UI. If you need pick up arrangement, International Office will provide pick up service with cost Rp. 300.000,- or you can take a taxi or bus.

Important Information


Faculty Contact

Applicants are generally expected to identify a staff member at the University of Indonesia who has agreed to serve as a host/scientific counterpart during the length of visiting scholar’s stay or to provide research guidance.


Duration of Visit

It is usually easier for the Faculty to accommodate short visits. Period’s extension will be considered for distinguished visitors making major contribution to Faculty’s research.


Financial Support

The University does not extend financial support to assist visiting scholars with their living expenses. The visiting scholars are suggested to find their own sponsor or foundation to fund his/her research or may cover their personal expenses.



International Office can give advice on private accommodation or reasonable guesthouse/hotel. Limited fund to cover basic accommodation may be available for certain faculties. The International Office staff will assist new applicants to find a suitable accommodation upon request.


Immigration Matters and Permits

Before the visiting scholars do their research at UI, they need to prepare their valid passport, research visa (processed by Ristek), research permit (processed by Ristek), report to immigration office and police headquarters upon their arrival,  travelling permit, research Information report, KITAS (for scholars who will stay in Indonesia for 1 year or more), exit permit, etc. However,  International Office will assist them to process it, which costs will be covered by their own personal expenses.


Health Insurance

Visiting scholars have to arrange their health insurance coverage prior to leaving their home countries. It is responsibility of the scholars to arrange their own medical insurance to protect against medical expenses during their research period at UI.



While at UI, visiting scholars are generally provided with basic health services, access to computer and library facilities. However these facilities are subject to availability or approval of the host faculty. For details please refer to “Facilities”.


Responsibility of Visiting Scholar

  • Visiting Scholars may be requested to give a public presentation at some point during their visit. This presentation provides an opportunity for the Visiting Scholars to share his/her work with staff and students in the department/faculty as well as across the University
  • Visiting Scholars must produce report to the host faculty and IO at the end of the program.

Responsibility of the Faculty

  • The nominating faculty member will either serve as facilitator or designate a scientific counterpart for the Visiting Scholar during his/her visit.
  • The department hosting the Visiting Scholar will designate a staff contact in the department to facilitate normal activities with the Visiting Scholar and faculty mentor.
  • The faculty will design and arrange the program for the visiting scholars during his/her research period, also facilitate the public presentation related to his/her research topic, that will be presented to the students/staff at the host faculty.

Intellectual Property

  • All intellectual property arising from the program will be subject to the same conditions as standard procedures defined by HaKI. Ownership and responsibility for the exploitation of intellectual property rests with the host institution, or otherwise stated in agreement with UI’s partner universities.

Contact General Directorate for Internationalization of Education

We are open on:
Mon – Fri : 8 AM to 4 PM
Break : 12 PM to 1 PM

Central Administration Building 1st Floor

Universitas Indonesia, Depok

Frequently Asked Questions