Faculty of Computer Science

Bachelor Degree

Computer Science

Degree : Sarjana Ilmu Komputer (Bachelor of Computer Science)
Campus Location : Depok Campus
Lecture Schedule : Morning/Daytime
Length of Study : 8 Semesters
Language : Indonesian
Accreditation : A

Acknowledging that Information Technology triggers innovation in most aspects of human life, the Computer Science program prepares its students to become graduates who are able to meet the challenges in the era of globalization. In terms of industrial needs, the program is designed to meet the demand for young professionals in Information Technology. Academically, the students are also prepared to be able to pursue further advanced degrees.

For better knowledge in Computer Science, the program offers applied skills which are divided into three major concentrations:
Scientific Computation consisting of image processing, machine learning, linear and non-linear numerical computation.
Software Technology consisting of cryptography and information security, interaction system, formal method and compiler technique.
Computer Architecture and Embedded Systems consisting of micro electronics, digital system design, embedded systems and real-time systems.

The study program offers two fields of concentration: Computer Science and Information Technology. Computer Science focuses on programming skills, software design, system application and software maintenance. Information Systems emphasizes developing intelligent solution and application of technology for business areas. The discipline puts business skills and the advancement of technology in a proportional context.

The lectures are delivered in ways which allow students to develop their soft skills, such as communication skills, team work, scientific paper presentation, creative and innovative thinking and professional ethics. These skills are integrated in a curriculum that is implemented in group work, presentation, class discussion, laboratory work and internship.

Career Outlook
Employment tracking indicates that 90% of graduates are employed within 3 months (in average) after graduation. Most of the graduates work in multinational companies, whereas some start entrepreneurship in information technological industries.

International Class

Computer Science

Degree : Sarjana Ilmu Komputer and Bachelor of Information Technology (Joint degree)
Partner University : The University of Queensland, RMIT
Campus Location : Depok Campus, Universitas Indonesia; Queensland, the University of Queensland; Melbourne, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT)
Lecture Schedule : Morning/Daytime
Length of Study : 8 Semesters (1-5 UI 6-8 The University of Queensland/RMIT)
Language : English

In 2002, the Faculty of Computer Science established collaboration with the School of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering at The University of Queensland (ITEE UQ) to offer an undergraduate International Class Program in Information Technology (IT) and Computer Science (CS).

This program prepares its students to become graduates who are able to meet the challenges in the era of globalization, to compete in regional and international job markets and be able to pursue further advanced degrees. To achieve these objectives, the program is conducted by highly qualified and experienced lecturers in the fields of Computer Science and Information Technology from both institutions.

Students of international class enjoy quality education from two reputable universities in Indonesia and Australia. program will obtain joint degrees: Sarjana Ilmu Komputer (S.Kom) from Universitas Indonesia and Bachelor of Information Technology (BInfTech) from the University of Queensland. In order to obtain the two degrees, students are to transfer to the University of Queensland at the 6th semester of the study.  Outstanding students will have the further opportunity to enter the Honours degree program at ITEE the University of Queensland.

Career Outlook

The employment tracking shows that 90% of graduates are employed within 3 months (in average) after the graduation. Most of the graduates work in multinational companies and some start entrepreneurship in information technological industries.

Master's Degree

Computer Science

Degree : Magister Ilmu Komputer (Master of Computer Science)
Campus Location : Depok Campus
Lecture Schedule : Morning/Daytime
Length of Study : 4 Semesters (40 credits)
Language : Indonesian
Accreditation : A

The Master of Computer Science Program provides a two year of intensive training in computer science and research skill. This program offers the opportunity to study a wide variety of topics in depth with dedicated experts. It prepares students for a rewarding career in computing and is also suitable for students interested in a research career in the industrial or academic sector.

Career Outlook

The graduates contribute in a wide range of information technology fields, entrepreneurship, IT development at small, medium and large enterprises in private and government sector.

Information Technology

Degree : Magister Teknologi Informasi (Master of Information Technology)
Campus Location : SalembaCampus
Lecture Schedule : Daytime/Night
Length of Study : 4 Semesters (40 credits)
Language : Indonesian
Accreditation : A

The Master of Information Technology Program offers graduates who have already studied some computing study in their degree. The degree prepares students for a rewarding career in computing and in information technology in general. This program also offers dual mode programs afiliated with other local partner universities, such as Faculty of Science and Technologi UIN Sultan Syarif Kasim (Riau), STMIK Mikroskil (Medan), STMIK Multi Data (Palembang), STMIK Darmajaya (Bandar Lampung), dan PT. Mitrais (Bali), Sekolah Tinggi Informatika dan Komputer Indonesia (Malang), Universitas Sains dan Teknologi Jayapura (Jayapura), Universitas Dehasen (Bengkulu), Universitas Pembangunan Nasional (Surabaya).

Career Outlook

Academic training in information technology has been considered the important key of today’s business. The graduates of this field pursue careers as professionals in the area of information technology as an entrepreneur, IT developer, a manager in private companies or government offices.

doctoral degree

Degree : Doctor
Campus Location : Depok Campus
Lecture Schedule : Morning/Daytime/Evening
Length of Study : 6-10 Semesters (50 credits)
Language : Indonesian
Accreditation : A

The Doctoral Program of Computer Science is a program of Post-Graduate level in the Faculty of Computer Science. This study program aims at nurturing experts in computer science field who have high integrity in applying the science either to solve problems or to develop applications according to their expertise. The students are also encouraged to create, develop and apply the computer science to enhance the nation competitiveness through research and service in the development of human resources. This course provides several specialisations: Architecture and Infrastructure, Computational Intelligence, Software Technology, Large Scale Information Processing and Enterprise Information Systems

Career Outlook

The graduates of this program can work as software developers, IT experts in industries or corporate, or government.


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