Degree : Magister Sains (Master of Science)
Campus Location : Salemba Campus
Lecture Schedule : Morning/Daytime
Length of Study : 4 Semesters (40 credits)
Language : Indonesian
Accreditation : A
The Department of Physics has an objective to provide high quality education for students who wish to deepen their knowledge of physics. We provide five specialization programs :
Pure Physics and Applied Physics
This study is tailored to BSc graduates to enhance their physics ability and are looking to pursue a research career in industrial, national research laboratory, or within university. The Master Degree also provide students to pursue career as lecturers for undergraduate program in physics. This study also aims to nurture world-class graduates who are highly innovative and competent in scientific, academic and industrial environments.
Medical Physics
Opened in 2002, Medical Physics graduate program serves the nation-wide demand of academically-qualified medical physicists. The two-year program is emphasized on learning process on Radiation Therapy, Diagnostic Radiology and Nuclear Medicine in preparation of students’ future career as Medical Physicists in hospitals, academician and other related professions.
The curriculum is designed to provide the knowledge and experience needed for careers that involve independent scientific investigation mainly in medical physic. The curriculum is conducted by class meeting, laboratory works, field trip, seminar and research project and using English and Indonesian language as the communication languages.
Reservoir Geophysics
The course are planned to provide the knowledge and experience needed to pursue careers that involves independent scientific investigation. Research opportunities allow student to design scientific programs which often include considerable experience at exploration seismology,geology, geophysics and reservoir characterization. The graduates are well prepared for teaching, research work, the universities lecturer and local government, technical staff and for position in the research institutions, laboratories and oil and gas industry.
The curriculum is designed to provide the knowledge and experience needed for careers that involve independent scientific investigation mainly in reservoir geophysics, which is based on the computing problem. The curriculum is conducted by class meeting, laboratory works, field trip, seminar and research project. The communication language is English and Bahasa Indonesia.
Geothermal Exploration
UI Master Program in Geothermal Exploration is intended to provide deepening of knowledge and expertise (skill) for the geothermal exploration sector in human resources who are currently or will be working in the geothermal industry or other government institutions. The knowledge given are specialized and applicative, strenghten by the fundamental concept and the practical application of the geothermal exploration on field. The students are given the strengthening of geothermal system concept and the technology used for its exploration, exploitation and utilization, by emphasizing on the exploration field, the stressing of the Magister Program of Geothermal Exploration.
The curriculum is emphasized on the understanding of fundamental concept, advanced geoscientific knowledge and skills, strategic exploration management, investment and risk analysis and environmental responsibility. Supported by advanced geoscientific research laboratories: Geothermal Laboratory of UI and Exploration Geophysics Laboratory of UI, that have been developing technology for advanced geothermal exploration (Advanced Geothermal Exploration Technology). UI Master Program in Geothermal Exploration is also supported by BATAN’s Laboratory of Geochemistry and Isotope Technology, Geological Resource Center’s Laboratory of Geology, as well as the geothermal industry’s facilities.
Instrumentation Physics
The department is intended to produce graduate students who are advanced in preparing and conducting research in Instrumentation Physics, also students who well prepared as universities lecturer and as experts in Intrumentation who have ability in quantity and quality control and to expand the diversification of Instrumentation.
Career Outlook
This master program graduates pursue higher careers or specialized field in education and academic research, laboratories, meteorology and geophysics agency, manufacturing companies and transportation companies.